Thursday, August 31, 2006

Random thoughts during Ernesto

Kim and I came down to WB during the storm tonight (thurs) to
stay at our friends the Rippy's so we can watch the storm and
all the madness. It's kinda fun in a sick way. Anywho, I learned tonight
that at 100 miles per hour a piece of pine straw can penetrate a
telephone pole. Cool huh. It's really the toronados that spin off the
hurricane that get the pine straw movin' that fast. Where I grew up
they would find pieces of Hay in the sides of Horses and Cows after
a storm. Dang! Tell me that wouldn't hurt!! EEEEEESH!

The bottom line-
Weather can be powerful, God made weather.

If God can make weather....He can calm a storm.

Figuratively and Literally

God is Good......all the time!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

More FOTOS for the PEEPS

2 quick pics for our "wakey wakey"
event the other morning...more 2 come.

CHILDREN: look at the little thing that says "comment" below. You can click on that and leave comments and your name. At some point this blog will turn into
more of a prayer blog or a blog of faith questions and comments. So make comments and then I'll know if people are actually reading this thing!
love, nate

Friday, August 11, 2006


Dumay Gorham, a local sculpture artist
and member of our church
made these metal crosses. The big one
is huge..about 4ft. tall.
The portico
The stage in the Great room with
the Jetson space chairs.
All of the pieces on the wall are huge prints
on canvas and "shadow box" frames up to
6 feet in length. Dawn Capron, a local photographic
artist did this for us and we love them.
Dawn was a huge help in making this room into a "sacred space".

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Ricky Blobby was WEAK!

Saw Talladega Nights last night on the opening night.(that's a ton of nights)What a let down. I was so jacked up to watch some Ricky Bobby and it didn't deliver.There were a couple of funny parts...but those were all on the trailers and previews I have been watching for 8 months.
Wait till it comes out on DVD!!!..while i'm not a prude or wound tight...
I do question the PG-13 rating on this flick...some of the humor was definitely "R'ish".
under construction,
young nathan

Friday, August 04, 2006