Is pollution that big of a problem?
Will your children be effected by pollution in their lifetime?
What does God's word say about it? (look in Genesis)
What is our role as humans as it pertains to the earth?
(Marie V. gets the credit for this question)
does anyone know anything about global warming? The name alone scares the poo out of me.
alrighty...global warming, for anyone who has miranda dungan as their APES class, ya'll know what im talkin bout. i totally agree that God has created everything on Earth, and he has made it beautiful. i think the way we have gotten so far into this mess of global warming because has decided that we need all these new technologies, to help us get through life, but God gave us all we need. if you ask me some of these scientists and companies have created a God complex, and truly believe that with enough work that they can do anything. they are taking no responsibility for their actions, because right now we have enough resources for one lifetime. but what about our children? or our children's children?? i don't know about ya'll, but i dont want my kids living in some bio-dome afraid to go outside cause they'll get thrid degree burns, or if they arent even able to go outside and breath the air. There are so many things on earth and in nature that are so beautiful that is so insane to get rid of. dude we totally need to chill with pollution and stuff, i mean im no vegetarian or anything like that, i just want a nice place to live.
alrighty...global warming, for anyone who has miranda dungan as their APES class, ya'll know what im talkin bout. i totally agree that God has created everything on Earth, and he has made it beautiful. i think the way we have gotten so far into this mess of global warming because has decided that we need all these new technologies, to help us get through life, but God gave us all we need. if you ask me some of these scientists and companies have created a God complex, and truly believe that with enough work that they can do anything. they are taking no responsibility for their actions, because right now we have enough resources for one lifetime. but what about our children? or our children's children?? i don't know about ya'll, but i dont want my kids living in some bio-dome afraid to go outside cause they'll get thrid degree burns, or if they arent even able to go outside and breath the air. There are so many things on earth and in nature that are so beautiful that is so insane to get rid of. dude we totally need to chill with pollution and stuff, i mean im no vegetarian or anything like that, i just want a nice place to live.
hello my lovely family....how is everyone?.....hope all is well.....well this is what i think i agree with leah on this one, God created this earth, and we should treat God's creations with much respect, just like we should treat others, by litering we are destroying God's creation, and we are also killing ourselves, just think before you drop that gum, cup, paper, or etc. you are destroying God's creations and by doing that you are disrespecting God....and i don't know about you but for me, i would not want to disrespect God
oh and nate, i have no clue what global warming is so you are on your own on that one...google it that's what i would do man, as you can tell i do not learn anything in school....college here i come
trent ,leah, and sbizzle,
does it scare you that your kids will have to wear oxygen masks and rubber gloves when they go outside to pay 4square?
that is kind of scary thing to ask since i am only 18, if my kids are going to be harmed, but anyways yeah it is pretty scary because they would probably have to go to the doctor about once a week just to make sure that they are not sick, and plus i would have to wear gloves and oxygen mask too.....that would suck,but think about sports like football, soccer, baseball, golf, and etc. we would not have sports anymore....and me not being able to play sports would be terrible.........it would affect our way of living way more than i thought it would.....holy poop
I don't know much about global warming but, I know it is a serious issue environmentally and politically. I will google more about it sometime, Trent.
Yes, we definetly should be concerned about the environment. God created everything in 6 days, we humans were the last thing to be created, and He gave us dominion over everything.Over the fish and the seas, and the bears and the penguins. We are called to be good stewards of the environment that means from everything to not littering, and recycling to using less non-renewable resources such as oil( i drive an suv so i struggle). We are taking care of this land for our children and our children's children so that perhaps by glancing at the ocean at dusk or a mountain at sunset people might glimpse a piece of the Creator thru His Created.
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