Monday, February 18, 2008

Rules: Condition or Confirmation

The book of Exodus in the Bible sets out rules for our relationship with God. These rules are not a condition for our relationship with God. These rules are a confirmation of our relationship with God which is guaranteed by His grace. We can not earn this relationship by our works and we can not lose this relationship by our behavior. In His grace, God has rescued us from our tendency to make wrong choices. We do not have an invisible fence to keep us on the right path. Therefore, our works, our thoughts, and our behaviors should reflect our thankfulness for His grace and rescue! We are rescued to His family forever! What us your Exodus story? From what situation or part of yourself has the grace of God rescued you?
This life, therefore, is not righteousness but growth in righteousness,
not health but healing,
not being but becoming,
not rest but exercise.

We are not yet what we shall be, but we are growing toward it;
the process is not yet finished but it is going on;
this is not the end but it is the road.
all does not yet gleam in glory but all is being purified.

-Martin Luther

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Great Quotes Movie

Check out this cool movie!