I could catch some heat from this one......
but the purpose of this blog is to
ask the hard questions and think
"theologically" about them. If this
ruffles your feathers...good!!
All the blogs have ruffled my little feathers.
Ruffling is Good!
Here it is:
What do you think God thinks about
living in "gated communities" or belonging
to "Country Clubs"?
I live in a gated community and I'm not saying that proudly because I LOVE PEOPLE! of all different shapes, sizes, races,etc. and I having a GATE in the way of talking/meeting people is so FINAL!
After I read this blog I was sitting here hating where I live.. (haha, I guess you ruffled my feathers, Nate!)
but then I started to think...
There doesn't really have to be a piece of iron in front of an area to make it unwelcoming. Just thinking about that made me SO SAD! Haven't you ever been to a non-gated community and felt like you weren't welcome there because of race/size/shape/hair color/clothing? I think the feeling of not being welcome is basically like having a gate up anyway.
Therefore...GOD WOULD NOT LIVE IN A GATED COMMUNITY!!! He'd live somewhere amazing where everyone felt WELCOME..cause God is Good! :)
thanks gals for commenting..I especially liked your honesty Corinne and your point of view. Communities, groups, and even churches can be "exclusive". My reason for asking this question is for us to look at the MANY things in society that keep certain people IN and others OUT. Churches happen to have "gates" as well.
Do you think churches will ever be diverse? Racially, Socio-economically, Politically, etc????
i might be missing the mark, but oh well.
i hope that one day all churches will be diverse because no matter what social status,race, religion, shape,or size you are, we all have one thing in common. GOD CREATED US ALL, AND WE ARE ALL EQUAL IN HIS EYES. until we come to realize this and start being more accepting towards others, things will still be like they are now. doesnt God want us to love each other no matter what? shouldnt we accept people for WHO they are and not WHAT they are?
God is Good!
we say no..because God is so welcoming and wants everyone to be with him. why would he live in a house behind a gate? We think that he would probably let little children from everywhere frolic around and play in his front yard. Dont you? We mean..we are members of a country club, but that doesnt mean that we think that we cant invite anyone and all that jazz. We agree with miss leah romulus in saying that God would probably start his own country club with non-alcoholic beverages with little umbrellas in them that everyone was welcome to "join" because they would all already be a part of it.
MAYBE, Christ would BE the gate. and the iron gate would be his arms, wrapped around everyone!
okay, im halfway kidding. no, i dont think Jesus would live behind a gate. But i also dont think that living in a gated community is a bad thing or a "sin". Its not bad as long as if you are still going the extra mile to be inclusive and share the word of Jesus. i know and have friends who live in gated communities and they are some of the strongest christians i have ever met. so they cant be completely wrong.
How about the gate to heaven??
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