Last year in the US, there were 3 divorces for every 7 marriages.
Does that seem high or low to you?
What would you guess are the greatest causes of divorce?
What would it take to lower the divorce rate in our country?
I have heard it said that "the most dangerous thing happening in our society today is the "weakening" of the family unit."
what do you think about all these questions?
Divorce is extremely hard...for everyone--the kids AND the parents, and even people around them. I think that if couples (before they get married) really don't rush into things, and take things slow and MAKE sure its the right, Godly decision....divorce wouldn't happen as frequent. Of course there ARE exceptions to divorce, as there are to just about anything. Nate and Kim, you two are a GREAT example of a couple who really took it slow and didnt rush into marriage, you made sure it was the right decision before making a HUGE commitment. You guys are definatly a role model, as to how a marriage should be, in my life :) thank you for being that example for me!
I know divorce can be tough, but that is not how God created marrige to end. I had a friend tell me the other day that she didn't really want to get married, because she knew that it would probibly just end in divorce. That is a sad state when we get to that point. Part of the reason that divorce is considered so readily is that we have come to accept it. Two hundred years ago, people were disowned by families and thrown out of the church for divorce, so it just didn't happen. The fact that we now take marrige so lightly and know that divorce can be used as an excape route has poisoned the beautiful union that could occur. And as Leah said, we are all so lucky to have awesome roll models such as Nate and Kim, Tucker and Nancy, Steve and Kathy, Amy and Eddie, as well as so many others that provide such excellent examples of Godly relationships. I don't know. Is there anything we can do to help prevent this horribly growing trend in our country, because it seems to be getting worse, not better.
Reading back over that entry, I think it may have come across wrong. I was not at all suggesting that the church should not accept people who were involved in divorces. God forgives bad situations and bad decisions!!!
what do yall think the major cause of divorce is these days?
I think the major cause for divorce these days is rushing into things.
divorce is annoying. people jump into marriage because they "have a lot of fun together" and "they really get along well". woop de doo. there is more to it. people need to be on the same page when it comes to children, religion, financial issues, blah blah blah. seriously. divorce annoys me. thank goodness my mom is single.
Divorice is very tough for some people. My friend parents are divorced and her new mom favors her kids more than my friend. Most of the time my friend ends up crying about it. But for those that are lucky enough to have parents together should help the kids not as lucky.
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