To continue last Sundays discussion about dating....
1)Do you have anyfeedback from our discussion?
2)What are some healthy guidlines to dating?
What is the purpose of dating?
we ask the tough questions we follow Jesus we serve our neighbor this is how we roll.
i think the discussion was really good. and i think it's important to discuss issues like dating/sex. it was interesting to see the difference of the answers that boys chose versus the answers that girls chose. obviously there are guys out there that do have good intentions and are looking for a healthy relationship. but i think the reality is that most guys and girls enter into a relationship [whether it be a friendship or a dating thing] for very different reasons. and those reasons need to be made known to the other person. i am definitely all for dating in high school. but i don't think it is for everyone. it can either be really great, or really horrible. either way, it should be a learning experience. relationships are a real test of maturity, faith, morals, and in the end, will power.
Thanks for the comment Faith!
Way to burst onto the blogging scene with a bang!
Follow up question:
1) Is it necessary to get hurt or have a bad experience to truly understand love? If "no", then why do we subject ourselves sometimes to unnecessary pains?
Well duh. Of course it isn't necessary to get hurt. I'm sure there are people who fell in love with the first person they dated. I think we subject ourselves to unnecessary pains because those pains are in fact, necessary. When we enter into relationships, we have no idea what is going to come of them. This person could either be our soulmate or a serial killer. I mean seriously, that happens. Every time you enter into a relationship, and you give someone a physical or mental piece of yourself, you are taking a risk. A hugeee one. But I think that can be a good thing. Nothing worth doing is easy. Some people will experience a ton of painful relationships during their lifetime. But that makes it even more gratifying when you find that one person. And then you realize it's worth it. So I think the reason we end up going through painful relationships is because when we take that chance and enter into them, we don't KNOW if they will cause us pain. Dating sucks. It's like the never-ending quest for fulfillment. If people were fulfilled by themselves and God alone, then life would be easier. That way if you were single, you would be happy. And if by chance, an opportunity arose, you could take it or leave it, and be happy either way. Dating in high school is sort of dumb though. I mean, I do it. but you're just setting yourself up to hurt someone or be hurt. Yeah, I know some tiny percentage of people marry their high school sweethearts. I wonder what the divorce rate is for those people?
wow i just realized that was a really long response. i talk too much. my bad. :]
mm. dating. im really not the best person to ask, alright. the whole concept of dating kindof freaks me out anyways. however, i think dating is just a great way to get to know someone. it shouldnt be serious, you should be able to go and do random wierd stuff together. it should be FUN. and...if its not fun, then get out.
WELL. I am not against dating at all, as long as it in a God honoring relationship (which I also believe is possible to have in high school/college. Not every DOES this, but there are certainly people who DO.) and that each person in the relationship is still living their own individual life. I think relationships become unhealthy when the guy and girl are together all the time and do not have close friends (or lose) due to being together all the time. Most of the time relationships like this are not lasting, due to common belief. (Yes, its ridiculous how often people believe this kind of thing and then the next week aren't together. Sorry if thats offensive...but its my opinion.)
I really think you can't be too careful about dating. It is something that you should ALWAYS set boundaries for and really pray before and throughout relationships. Also, God works for the GOOD of those who love him! And he has SUCH amazing plans for us if we just give Him our lives!
And to the follow up question...
I totally don't think we have to get hurt to understand love! I mean, reality is that when love is over, it DOES hurt, but you dont have to have a bad feeling towards the person. I think people mix that up sometimes...
I think people subject themselves to pain by choosing to be in certain relationships. I mean honestly...some people truly justify themselves when it comes to the person they are dating. No one would purposely go into a relationship with the intention of getting hurt, but when you choose to date someone whos known for constant break-ups and being unfaithful...well, right there is the problem.
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