Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Sex and Dating continued....

If everybody followed God's plan of purity until marriage....would that totally illiminate STD's and unwanted pregnancies/abortions?


Anonymous said...

No way. There are plenty of married couples that use birth control and get abortions. STD's are so prevelant that I don't see how they could ever be totally eliminated. I think the fact is that conception is not just accomplished by two people. It's part of God's will. If he doesn't want you to get pregnant, you won't. It's up to Him. People need to stop kidding themselves. You cannot take everything into your own hands and think that you control everything. Jesus got da last word yo. :]

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be amazing ith STDs could be eliminated forever? However, I agree with Faith, I dont think they could ever been completely eliminated, unfortunately. However, I DO think the number of abortions and unplanned pregnancies would be smaller. If everyone waited for marriage, they would be more likely to think clearly and plan for a pregnancy, plus, life Faith said, God has the final say. He gives couples children as precious gifts. I am not saying things would become "perfect" but I def. think the number would be cut down!

Nate Stratman said...

good thoughts girls.
I guess my question was also:
"If we would have followed God's idea of purity from the get-go...there would be no such thing as STD's. Correct?

So my point is....God's plans are wise...but we always feel like we have to "test" them.

smell what i'm steppin' in?

Anonymous said...

Well nathan, i do believe that if we all followed God's plan and remained pure, then it could be possible to stop spreading STDs. It would take awhile to wipe out completely but if everyone abstained it could certainly could be that way!

wouldn't it be nice? God has SUCH amazing plans for us...its so BEYOND frustrating to see others test God and turn their backs the other way from Him. Its hard for some people to wrap their minds around the incredible plans He has.

yessir, i believe im smellin' this one.

Anonymous said...

i agree with kara 100%. i think that we sometimes forget that God is completely omniscient and he always has the last word. we forget that and think that we control our lives and everything around us. people crave power. and they want to be God. but thats not possible! which is why we need to trust in him because he will always lead us in the right direction!

**if everyone lived a pure life from the start, we wouldn't even be talking about std's right now cuz they wouldn't exist. i dont think that they will ever be wiped out, but i do think that if society as a whole started to live a more pure life, abortion and birth control and abandoned children would be a much smaller issue.

Anonymous said...

You only have one life, enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

what are STD's