What does our culture say about God? Do Fergi,Kanye,Ipods,Spiderman,Bra-ngelina,high school musical,the fray and stranger than fiction have something to say about God?
The answer is YES!!!
I challenge you to listen to music, watch movies, and read books asking the question, What does this say about God?
here's your homework:
watch a flic or read a book with "God Eyes" and tell me what you find...then you can be posted on the world famous Foldier blog!!
God is Good
Nathan Hall - Great Question!! I await responses.
fine...I'll start.
The pig in Charlotte's Web as well as the Spider reflect strong "Christ-like" attributes....what are they?
you haven't seen it?
go rent it foo!!!
I'm re-watching the Truman Show tonight and i will have some more thoughts soon.
finish strong in school my friends!
I am so full of joy right now! I know that this has no relation to the question you asked, but I LOVE JESUS CHRIST WITH ALL THAT I AM! Nate, you have been such a blessing in my life, I have never met someone so fired for Christ, but so clear about Him to youth. Nancy, I admire you so much, and I strive to be like you...with your kindness, generosity, love for Christ and especially others :)
we are always thankful for random kindess........you're a great woman and thanks for thanking.
you rock our faces off!
God is Good
I am confused but agree with you about the spider...I know one-The couch in facing the giant-maybe ...well he really trusts christ.
i agree that there are people in high places in our culture that put emphasis on a Christian lifestyle. Has anyone seen the Tyler Perry "Madea" films? I'm obsessed. In one of them, the woman actually says "I'm a Christian and I'm waiting until I'm married to have sex." woah. & that movie did really well in theatres, which surprises me.
but at the same time, a lot of our culture that involves Christ is total hypocrisy. I mean comeeee on. Ludacris gets up on stage and says Yo first i gotta thank god for all my blessings. Don't get me wrong, I listen to luda plenty. & i listen to a lot of rap that I shouldn't, especially being such a feminist myself. but how can you get up in public and thank god for "blessing you" with the talent to produce a video on BET that has naked girls demeaning themselves left and right?
now i've just confused myself. i guess im a hypocrite too. if i'm so opposed to music that makes women an object, why do i listen to it?
i have to go think about this.
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