Today my friends we are going to talk about a big churchy word with a beautful meaning....today's word is: PROVIDENCE
My favorite definition is: "God taking a situation or event meant for harm and BENDING it the other way, making it good".
Right off the bat I think about September 11th, the death of my good friends son, and Hurricane Katrina. All of these events were tragic and in each event I can tell you countless stories of how God used these tragedies for good!!
How about you?? Have you ever seen God bend something for Good?
PROVIDENCE: pretty cool word huh?
"To God be the GLORY great things he hath done"
God is Good,
I would of never thought that the Province meant that-god bending bad things and making them better. Did we talk about that at Great Escape because it sounds familar.*>
Ooops i spelled the word providence wrong- i wrote Provence....sorry.
Moving to North Carolina sucked. I left all my friends behind, a city I'd grown up in, etc.
However, down here I found real friends, I ended up at a great college with a great boyfriend, and most importantly found God.
So next time you say "Wow this sucks," it's probably a sign that sooner or later you'll look back and be thankful. :]
The thing we have to remember about "bad" situations is that God is absolutely faithful in EVERYTHING. The reason why we think things are bad is because they're not happening on our terms, they're happening on God's terms-and that's a hard thing to come to grips with. God has plans for each and every one of us (Jeremiah 29:11) and the most important thing about said plans is that they are GOOD. Paul says also to rejoice in the Lord even during hardships, because he has always been faithful. We can't simply trust in the Lord when things are easy and then ditch our faith when the road gets rough. God is with us every step of the way, and he always makes things turn out right in the end. Always.
Like Nate mentioned, during September 11th, many people lost their lives, some of whom might not have even known Jesus as their lord and savior. However, during this trial, I think God brought people together and gave them the strength to save many lives even though many other people lost theirs. That's what I think providence is in this situation.
this past week i really understood what providence is. i realized that God would never ever give me something that i could not handle... in the Bible it even says that God shall not tempt you. God gives us the strength daily to overcome and knows that the strangth He has given us will get us through our obstacles. In other words i believe that providence is not that God is bending a sitituation but that God is giving us the stregth to overcome our trails.
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