Describe a "real" leader.
A leader is not __________.
A leader has to be __________.
How do you thing Jesus would define a leader?
What does the world say a leader should be like?
(yall take a stab at this then I will come back
in a week with my own thoughts and comments)
OKAY! so i think a leader in NOT selfish and has to be strong (emotionaly) but anyways I think the world REALLY sees a leader as being physically strong...since most "leaders" in movies or books and such are strong, and muscular almost EVERYTIME! but a leader really should have much more qualities, and they don't even have to be physically strong. Jesus had all the qualities for a leader, He wass selfless, gentle,undertanding, He made SENSE(as in He wasn't confusing), He was joyful, loyal, and trustworthy and most of all He was loving. I think that is a true leader :) God bless!
I would say is not overbearing and a leader is humble, especially a Christian leader. Jesus had every reason to lord his position over people, and to be proud, but he was neither overbearing nor prideful. He was meek.
I like Leah's comments, though.
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