Here are some thoughts to get the ball rollin' on a new issue:
What Would Jesus Drive?
If JC came to Wilmington today, where would he live? what job would He have? what would He wear? and what would he drive?
**You can still comment on the 2 topics below; War and Worry.
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Oh my goodness...this could get kind of creative. golly, lets see here.
i think Jesus would maybe ride the bus, and sit next to people that are by themselves and make them feel good about themselves.
he might would have mulitple houses in different kinds of neighborhoods so that he could be with different people all the time.
He would probably make his own clothes. (haha actually i really have no idea about that one. Did Jesus sew?)
4. Maybe Jesus would be a high school teacher. Because he could reach to all kinds of different people there.
Just fun thoughts ya know? Good job Nate!
Yo wassup kid, I believe that he would drive a lowrider with spinners every where he went. He would also live on the beach so he could get up and go surfing without a board b/c you know he can walk on water. He would wear a suit every where he went, and he would work at the mainsail.
OK GOOBS...let's go deeper.
From what we know of Christ and what he calls us to do... Can we really be a follower of Christ and drive an expensive car, belong to country clubs, pay top dollar for clothes, live in an expensive house and basically spend most of our money on us? This is a real gut check question! What would Jesus say if he looked at your personal finances?????
alright this is what i really think, 1.) he would not have a car or bike he would just walk everywhere he went to spread the word and he would catch rides with other people, and he would have followers 2.) i am not sure what kind of clothes he would wear i guess the clothes that people would give to him 3.) he would first live with families probably in the bad states like las vegas, new orleans (to help rebuild for the families b/c of Katrina)and the others, but he would move alot so he could spread the word, and he would stay with different families b/c that would have the most affect 4.) his job would just be spreading the word.
i say again....
"What would Jesus say if He
looked at your personal finances?"
okay in response to the first part... I think Jesus would be just like a normal person... I mean isn't that kind of what he was like way back when... i mean, not everyone really knew he was the Son of God, because he LOOKED like everyone else.
Here is a respond to nates second question: I think it is ok to be rich and have a nice car and live in a mansion. I think what Jesus cares about is that you dont only spend your money on yourself. If the only thing you do with your money is get the newest coolest stuff and dont give to charity or give to your church or attempt to help out in some way then thats not cool. I am not saying I think Jesus would have all that stuff, in fact I think he would have the exact opposite because he is not here for himself, but for us, so all those things do not help his purpose. As far as our purpose, if we want to work and give all we have to charity, then that is cool, but I dont think God is saying we have to do that. It is ok to keep some for ourselves as long as we do not use it in a bad way. Like for example, buy a super nice car just to show off to others or brag about. So thats my thought on that, I hope you all were able to follow along. Oh and by the way this is Marie. I am under anonymous because I cant figure out how to get a blog or whatever.
If you spend $60,000 on a new car, should you give that much away to help those in need?
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