Wednesday, September 27, 2006


If God is so good,
why is there so much suffering in our world?


Anonymous said...

Personally, i think there is so much suffering because of the people who do not know God. God is great and loves each and every one of us. When we have pain or grief we have to cast our burdens to him and he will take care of them. We can't keep them and continue to suffer. People would not be killing others if they knew Him. And perhaps suffering would stop if they knew Him. If they could only seek Him....

Nate Stratman said...

Thanks for your post mary.....
I couldn't agree with you more about casting our burdens on to Christ because he cares for us.
But what about the person who suffers from cancer? Is that because they don't know God?


Anonymous said...

well this is some science for you but for every reaction there is an equal and oppisite reaction, and i think applies to alot things.

Anonymous said...

HEY YA'LL! I'm so pumped to see that this is one of the topics because I just recently read something really uplifting about suffering and why God brings suffering into our lives...
Its from this book called GET REAL that my dgroup is reading.
The verse that talks about suffering is James 1:2-4,
"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that testing your faith takes perseverance. Perserverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."

Sometimes I think people ask, "If God loves me why does he let this happen?!" and the book talks about the fact that he does it OUT OF LOVE!!! God brings suffering to our lives to show us that HE IS THE ONLY THING THAT IS ETERNAL. All the things that bring suffering are earthly things (relationships, disease, money problems, etc...) But we can make it through those things with faith (and PERSEVERANCE!)
The thing that the book emphasizes the most is the fact that the bible says "Consider it PURE JOY" because why would pain be joyful!?!?! It CAN be a joyful thing to look back on because you'll realize that you've grown stronger! It may be hard to be thankful for trials in our lives but just remember that HE LOVES YOU!!! :D
AHHH! I just think God's word is amazing!!!! :) LOVE YA'LL!!

Anonymous said...

reading the comments right above this one and while I think that might work for a Christian who lives in America, I try to put myself in the shoes of someone who lives most of their lives in the gutters of India or in a garbarge dump in Guatamala, and it doesn't work.
My opinion: the world suffers (yeah some parts more than others) because it is broken. God made it good, but sin worked its way in and now we gotta live with it.

Anonymous said...

I think God lets people suffer to bring you closer to Him. I think when you suffer, you have to have faith, you have to know that God has a plan... And His plan may be for you to show others your faith in Him even through suffering, cause I mean, I think if someone is going through so much and other people are like, "how are they making it through this???" and then they see how much that person loves and trusts in God, they're like oh, THATS how.

Nate Stratman said...

Do you think we would be closer to God if we had all of our "things" taken away?

Anonymous said...

well, do you mean like, EVERYTHING? like house, money, clothes... everything? or like computers, phones, and like other fun "things". well, i mean, i think if EVERYTHING was taken away you would have to depend on God more and trust Him to get through each day... more so than normally. even though i guess some people move away from God when bad things happen. If like fun things (or i guess, non-necessities) were taken away, then i think we would get closer to God because we would have more time available to devote to Him... does that make sense?

Anonymous said...

Suffering is something that I see as a test of faith. It isn't brought upon you by God, but by the devil. I have noticed that in faith many people kind of deny the existance of the devil and don't really recognize him as the source of evil. I think suffering is one of those things that you can look at and say that is the work of the devil and God brings us to help relieve those who are suffering. That is why a strong faith and being part of a church community is important, as well as helping those in need. We must work together to help others, because as a combined effort we can make a difference and start the step in the right direction. I dont know if I explained my thoughts well, but o well. God is Good.

Anonymous said...

well i am one of those blessed kids who has never had to suffer. i have always been so confused, its not like i want to suffer, but most people have had something happen to them. I HAVEnt. then nanner taught me that people like me are put on this earth to encourage the suffering, so if you ever have a problem, please let me help. Thats what i am here for.

Anonymous said...

i dont know how to put this into words but i'll try. i'll go ahead and admit that many times i actually feel hate towards God for making me suffer...i dont think its fair at all, but then i relieze that i'm selfish. that i dont want to suffer because i dont want to feel bad. i have just been able to releize that eventhough you should morn..suffering is something that very few people go through in life.

Nate Stratman said...

to the last anonymous poster...

I love the fact that you are being brutally honest about your suffering. While you may feel like the only one who is suffering...I believe that almost every person has experienced suffering in some way. Not everyone has experienced death, divorce, disease, or depression....but many people have been lonely, left out, picked on, ignored, and verbally abused.

God uses our suffering for "leverage". He takes bad situations and bends them so that they eventually bring HIM glory.