"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow,for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of it's own." - Matt. 6:34
For 10 verses in 6th chapter of Matthew, Jesus talks to His followers about "worry",
Telling them to stop fussing over clothes, their bodies, food etc. All the things He mentioned about worry and all the things you and I tend to worry about are usually "things"! Even if we are worrying about bigger issues such as Death, Salvation, or BOYFRIENDS....Jesus still calls us not to worry.
Hear me out....
I believe that the word "worry" in this context means to get so worked up about something that you lose the big picture of what God has called us to see. The other thing is that if we are worrying....we aren't Trusting God. While tests, relationships, our future, war and many other things often cause us to panic....as followers of Christ, He asks us to do something different. JC asks us to place whatever it is that causes us to freak out and to put it in His hands. If we actually did this....it would sound something like this;
"God...I am making myself crazy stressing out about college next year. Tonight I ask you God to take this worry from me and give me the strength to seek your guidance as i get ready to college. Help me to calm down and give me a peace about this big decision:
With a prayer like the one above...God has helped you turn WORRY into Trust.
Proverbs 3:5-6
"TRUST in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. In ALL your ways acknowledge HIM and HE will make your paths straight."
I'm at the Vreelands house as I write this and I found this picture on Marie's computer from the Guatmala mission trip that our church took this summer.
The picture reminded me of TRUSTing that God is taking care of us in many different ways. The children in this picture are precious in God's sight and He watches over them as He watches over us.....as He even watches over the sparrow.
Let Go and Let God!
( Here is the drill..when you read these little thoughts I put on this blog, I want you to make a comment on the comment thing below, but don't say "that was cool" or something like that. I want all of you to continue the thought by "adding" to my writing. Post your thoughts or prayer requests and make sure and put your name at the bottom if you want. I hope that students, college kids, and everyone else will feel free to post a comment. I'm actually going to give the password to this blog out to several people so that you can post your own thoughts about faith or pictures on this blog.
This is a new idea for the FOLD...........but i think it will be good!
hey nate, great job! - Kara
I must say I have gone threw my shares of worrying over these some years and just started worrying over stupid stuff that did not even really matter and starting making the craziest prayers that were just awful. But as I got older and stronger in my religion (I remember this by heart) I actually thought about what I was doing and found how crazy it was and I read in this book I have TOUCHPOINTS FOR STUDENTS and read about this section that had worrying in it and it talked about how it was a sin and how bad it is faith wise b/c it is making you stop thinking about how the Lord will take care of it. After reading that it made me think and said a long prayer about just handing that to the Lord and ever since that happened I don't even worry about for example how well I am going to do on the exam to pass if it depended on if I would pass the class or not. Just handing that to the Lord took so much pressure of my back.
I must say that is something that really sets apart christians from non-cristians in the "living life" sector. You see those who worry (pessimists) and also those who trust in the Lord (optimists). I'm not saying that all optimists are Godly and have a strong faith, but generally pessimists are those who worry and don't trust in God. If you notice you will see how this plays out when you are hanging out with different groups of people. For instance I went to Florida last year with Lyceum. Some of my friends on the trip were just complaining the whole time b/c it took up their whole vacation, or that the water was too cold, whatever it was they just werent going to have a good time and enjoy God's awesome creation in the Florida keys. Other friends would say things like "yea it was cold, but did you see that spotted eagle ray and nurse shark?!" Now dont go judging people beacause they are having a bad day or a hard time, but while I reflected i realized that those pessimists are like that all the time. I also realized that most of the optimists were those who are church going christians, while those pessimists are mostly people who arent "true christians." The pessimists were those who are into the whole party scene and what comes with that. Well hope this made sense, I'm off to sunday school.
I understand what Rob and Trent are saying, but I think worrying to a certain extent is healthy. If you never worry about anything, you're less likely to do what needs to be done. For example, if you aren't at all worried about school and passing the classes you're in, you won't do the work or study for the tests. I'm not saying that you need to freak out and spend every second of your free time studying, but UI think a little bit of worrying is good for you, as long as you realize that God ultimately has everything under control.
thanks for making I comment.
I totally agree with what I think you are trying to say. We need to prepare and focus for tests, or our future, etc.
What you are saying is not "worry". Worry is used in a negative sense in scripture and it really means you aren't trusting God.
For things like the weather or what other people think about us....we can't worry because we have no control over it. But for things like school...we should study our butts off and pay attention in class and do our homework...and when we have done that...there is no need for worry. God is in control and we have done our part....the rest is in HIS hands.
God is Good
Matthew 6:34
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Wow this is so awesome! This is my first time to the blog and I know it won't be my last.
I know I worry a little too much. As a girl I find myself worrying about appearance, along with grades and relationships and almost EVERYTHING! I also LOVE to care about people as much as they will allow me to, so when I see my friends doing something that doesn't look "good" I WORRY A TON!!!! I really respect what Trent said about just handing it over to God. Sometimes I find this so hard because I tell myself that it is MY responsibility. All this pressure can drive me CUH-RAY-ZEE (if you haven't realized from what I'm writing)
At FITS this summer, one of the main points was listening to what God had to say to you. When I actually took the time to listen, I really felt him saying, "Trust me, It is going to be alright" I can not even begin to explain the joy and weight that was lifted from me when I finally heard Him. (Ask my roomates, cause we talked about it into all hours of the night, haha) I know leaving earthly problems up to GOD can be SO HARD, but once you realize that it is out of your hands...it is really amazing!!!
love ya'll foldiers, keep seeking Him. :)
Hello everyone i have never done this before but i have alot of people that need to be prayed for and i know if i let you guys know that you will help me pray. My next door neighbor had surgery this past week and she has cancer and she has a son that is my age so lets pray for their family and then my friend parker his dad just died this pass week also so we need to pary for his family its beeen a bad weeek.. but please just help me pray!
thanks guys and i hope everyone has the best week at school.!
love you guysss!
suzann left that comment above this ha..
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